Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 134 - School's Out and Summer is Beginning

Currently Burning: Cherry Candy Cane

Can you believe that it's already mid-May?! My busy time at work is finally coming to a head. Our student staff move in on Tuesday!!!! It's crazy that it's already here. All the students moved out of the residence halls this weekend so our staff is busy flipping the buildings getting them ready for summer usage. We have 2 weeks before our largest conference (Walmart Shareholders) checks in and they take up all of our beds. 

Class-wise I finished the spring semester. Not sure about grades, but summer session doesn't start for me until June 4th so I have a few weeks to chill. I'm taking 2 classes this summer and then 3 in the fall. So far I have 18 hours completed and only need 15 more so I'm still on track for graduation in December!! Super excited for that :)

Now onto the daily review!

Cherry Candy Cane (2): The way the cherry and peppermint interact is kind of funky to me. The throw wasn't crazy strong which was really surprising since both notes typically do throw stronger. Probably won't be repurchasing.

Remember to keep those wicks trimmed!


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